Saturday, May 25, 2013

Visit to TGS, Sri Hartamas

enjoy the pics ...

Vinne Moore Dean .. maybe its the Vinman 2000

Beautiful maple top

closer look


I think its bird's eye maple

VM for Very Mahal (very expensive) .. 10K RM

TGS brought in russian AMTs .. i used to be crazy them
SS-20 .. the knobs reminds me of Russian nuke head
 TQ to Rony - TGS, Sri Hartamas


  1. pembetulan, itu bkn dean dave mustaine, tp dean vinnie moore vinman 2000

  2. lerrrr aku telah diberi salah info, patut la aku tgk kat web dean, takde mustaine punya camni .. tq for the correction bro ijau
